
We suspect you may get a lot of requests for money, we understand. If you found your way here, it must be because we are creating something here that is aligned with your values and goals. We understand that donations, grants, and other sponsorship is not a long term strategy for funding our program. As such we are building a model with the goal of becoming self sustaining, however we need to get the program launched and established. The Apprentice Brigade plan was built upon a collaboration with Cabrillo College in 2017. Cabrillo College received grant funding from the US Department of Labor in order to create Tech Apprenticeships with area employers. While we have not received any funding, the grant supported this collaboration which resulted in the first registered IT Apprenticeship on the Central Coast. You can read the press release here.

Our company has an established track record providing workforce training through internship programs and has received what we would consider encouraging support for our Apprenticeship program. That includes Cabrillo College, the Workforce Development Board of Santa Cruz County, Regional Occupational Program, and Santa Cruz City Economic Development.

While we wait to sort out our funding options and determine how we can scale out program to support ten or more concurrent apprenticeships, we have launched a pilot program with our first apprentice in December 2017.

We know this program will depend upon a diverse set of investments, and we are actively looking for funding in these additional areas:

  • We are in the process of applying for grant funding which could help fund a full time coordinator/instructor for up to two years
  • We are initiating dialog with area Economic Development departments
  • We are exploring other grant opportunities outside of the college education system
  • We are seeking a non-profit partner to enable pass through tax deductible donations
  • We are seeking partnerships with area employers to offset training costs
  • We are offering our paid professional services as to municipalities and educational institutions
  • We will provide job placement of our apprentices to hiring employers for a fee

Would you be interested in discussing our program and/or considering making an investment.